The Archive – 2018 2018 Shows St. Paul Winter Carnival 2/2/18 The Acadia 3/1/18 Acadia 3/29/18 The Bunge Garage 4/7/18 Friday The 13th @ Midway - CANCELLED 4/13/18 The 4/20 Show - CANCELLED 4/20/18 The Drop-Off 5/18/18 The Acadia 5/26/18 Midway Access 6/23/18 Double Feature 7/7/18 The Rowhouse 8/17/18 The Turf Club 8/22/18 Midway Access - CANCELLED 8/31/18 The Hat Trick Lounge 9/14/18 Night of the Living Shed - CANCELLED 9/21/18 Caydence Records and Coffee 9/30/18 Monday Night Live - KVSC 10/1/18 The Pickled Loon 10/5/18 Caydence Records and Coffee 12/9/18 The Kitty Cat Klub 12/26/18